Saturday, 4 June 2011

Weight Lost Facts - VI

The Myth of the Fat Burning Zone

One thing we know is that exercising at lower intensities will use more fat for energy. This basic premise is what started the theory of the 'fat burning zone,' or the idea that working in a certain heart rate zone (around 55 to 65 of your maximum heart rate) will allow your body to burn more fat.

Over the years, this theory has become so ingrained in our exercise experience that we see it touted in books, charts, websites, magazines and even on cardio machines at the gym. The trouble is that it's misleading. Working at lower intensities isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it won't burn more fat off your body unless you're burning more calories than you're eating. One way to increase your calorie burn is to exercise at higher intensities.

Does this mean that, if you want to burn more fat, you should avoid low intensity exercise? Not necessarily. There are some specific things you can do to burn more fat and it all starts with how and how much you exercise.


  1. That kid has been taking your lessons pretty seriously.

  2. i look exactly like that kid except older. i will be following you posts with great interest.

  3. That kid has bigger tits than my gf.
    Morning coffee and newspaper is my workout routine :)

  4. The psudo-science around weight loss is always something I've look at skeptically, go for runs lots, eat well, you lose weight, nothing more too it

  5. This kid looks very fit to me :)

  6. This about "the zone" always seemed like another way to get more money with many people suffering.

  7. I figure as long as I work out I will lose weight, I dont have to take it apart and figure out how it works to use it. I just have to use it !

  8. cool info, followed as well

  9. Interesting. Glad I read your post!

  10. Good read. Never really knew there was a "zone" to burn more fat.

  11. When burning fat you should keep withing the aerobic limit of your body, when the body can get most of it's energy by processing fat, having said that, you can go significantly over 55-65%.

  12. well that kid has been home at didder time.

  13. Wow I didn't know half that stuff..

  14. trying to get into the program myself

    thinking of hitting up a local gym

  15. the type of exercise is symantics.

    You need

    Calories used > greater calories in

  16. With my work schedule, I'll probably need a 24-hour gym to go in my down time. Wonder if there are any in my area...

  17. This is a good thing to know. Lifting weights burns a lot of calories!

  18. Ah no new updates.

    Well keep us posted.

  19. I'm just glad there is no lower half of that picture :P

  20. Eating healthy helps to. Eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep your metabolism up and you'll burn fat faster.

  21. lol that same picture for another post huh

  22. That's the problem with a lot of people's dieting ideas. They simply diet and think they're going to lose weight. Losing weight isn't that complicated of a science. You simply burn more than you're eating. The end.

  23. That kid rocks. You also made some good points. That's why people bulk when they simply want to cut. Too much weight I guess.

  24. Damn that kid is big. Kinda looks like someone I know. ") Nice post!

  25. The other important thing is that it is way easier to lose weight by eating less than by exercising more.


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