Friday, 13 May 2011

Weight Loss - Fact V

The idea that "not eating enough" causes the body to stop losing weight because it goes into "starvation mode" is a popular myth among dieters.

Restricting calories during weight loss lowers metabolism because the body becomes more efficient, requiring fewer calories to perform the necessary daily functions for survival. Consequently, this can slow (but not stop) the anticipated rate of weight loss.

  It is unclear as to whether the relationship between reduced caloric intake and a lower metabolism follows a straight path or becomes more pronounced the greater the caloric reduction. Some studies have found no significant reduction in metabolism until the caloric restriction is quite large (e.g. 800 calories or less per day).Others suggest a linear relationship with small reductions in metabolism accompanying small reductions in caloric restriction, with the gap increasing as the caloric deficit is enlarged.

While there is no biologic evidence to support the "starvation mode" myth, there may be behavioral reasons why weight loss stops when calories are severely reduced. Over-restriction of calorie intake, known as high dietary restraint is linked to periods of overeating, hindering successful weight loss.


  1. Sounds like my diet method. Dont eat for whole day, get home eat everything I can think of. then got to sleep overstuffed and wonder why I'm not losing weight. LOL.

  2. I don't need to diet. I have the greatest metabolism!

  3. This is a nice post, good info

  4. less calories going in than your burning is a simple rule

  5. Great post, glad to see some commonplace myths replaced with factual information.

  6. Found all of this out the hard way :(

  7. Jesus.My body must be damn efficient then! I have no idea how I can survive with eating so little.
    +1 Follow

  8. I always thought that was made up, guess not :)

  9. Ment to eat the most during breakfast and then gradually eat less and less only eat small meals every 2 hours.

  10. interesting and helpful facts!

  11. thanks for sharing these facts...i'll keep these to heart when i wanna lose weight next time

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  12. Yeah this makes sense. Though if you do it long enough you lose alot of weight. Look at Christian Bale and what he did for The Machinist, which was straight up crazy in my mind, but yeah. Good info!

  13. Nice info. Also "starvation mode" might be a psychologist related.

  14. The problem is if you stop eating enough you will lose muscle with fat, which means you don't enter Starvation Mode you enter Ausschwitzmode.

  15. Quite interesting and useful. Thanks.

  16. Thanks for the tips. followed.

  17. Interesting, I had often wondered about that, thanks for the info!

  18. Interesting, I'm dieting myself so this is a great find.


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